Achim Breiling wrote:

>>I hope some label will put out an integral recording of the string
>>quartets sometime

Roger Hecht responds:

>I wonder why no one hasn't.  There was an LP of 3 and 4 with the Allegri on
>Argo, but no mention on the disc of there being a companion issue of 1 & 2.

I do not think there is a 'complete works for string quartet' set out, but
(strangely enough) the Bridge Str Qt seems to have recorded the ones called
"Quartets for Strings".  [Meridian 84311 & 84369].

And I don't see the Allegri Qt's Bridge on CD at all, sorry.

He certainly wrote much music for string quartet.  Certainly an 'integral
des oeuvres pour quatour des cordes' would be a great project for any
adventurous ensemble & label [excuse my French--is not so good].

Bob K.