Tom Warren wrote:

>Noone has mentioned Keith Lockhart for the position.  He's a few years
>older than that Austrian kid who's getting the nod, and he seems to have
>earned his dues.It seems to me that it's the next step up from leading the

Lockhart just began as artistic director with the Utah Symphony Orchestra
a year ago replacing the retiring Joseph Silverstein (also from Boston).
After all the suppliant Lockhart's most sincere promises of a lasting
relationship with the USO, I'd be pretty annoyed if he left for any
reason.  So far he's done a great job with PR, attracting young audiences
and money, and I have had no complaint with him musically.  We in Utah
were permanently spoiled by Maurice Abravanel who dedicated his life to
bringing the USO from a bush league collection of amatures to an orchestra
of national importance (and if you don't agree, don't tell me; I'm damned
proud of that group, and Abravanel is my life-long hero).  To expect
the same of Lockhart may be asking for the same miracle twice (if, that
is, Lockhart is Abravanel's equal; time will tell); however, Lockhart
had better stick around for a while longer.  So, Tom, I hope he didn't
read your posting and that he will not hear of the opening otherwise!

Roy Ellefsen