Deryk Barker wrote in response to my comments about the Koechlin/Skarbo
chamber music disc:

>>I'm very glad to have this recording, and it induced me to hit the
>>computer screen and order a few more Koechlin discs.
>I hope The Jungle Book is amongst them.  That will certainly revise
>your opinion.

The additional recordings I ordered are of solo piano and chamber works.
I did listen to a few sound samples of Koechlin's orchestral works, and
they were enticing.  But, I wanted first to finish off the chamber works.

Deryk, in mentioning revising my opinion, was referring to my perception
that Koechlin is known as a restrained and peaceful composer of salon-type
music.  Well, I thought I had read that somewhere, and the music of
Koechlin's that I've heard up to this point tended to support that
perception.  Deryk says it isn't so, and I assume that the orchestral
works will confirm his statement.

Don Satz
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