Chris Bonds wrote:

>Scott Morrison wrote:
>>Can anyone tell me anything about the Loewenguth Quartet.  I'm not entirely
>>sure about the spelling.  As far as I know they were a French string
>>quartet active in the 1930s and 1940s.
>Well, on into the 60s at least, because I remember hearing them live when
>I was a student at Arizona State.  I recall them as being good but they
>were not considered in the top tier with Budapest, Juilliard, Amadeus, etc.

I have them doing Ravel/Debussy in 1962 and Faure/Roussel around the same
time.  This is vinyl and I have no idea if these recordings were reissued.
They are quite good really IMO and certainly interesting as especially the
Roussel isn't exactly standard repertoire.  The primarius, Loewenguth, is
mentioned without first name as the violinist in the first movement of
Brahms pianotrio op.101 (the other players are Casals and Horszkoswki, no
less, and the recording year is 1959 at the Prades Festrival) which is used
as a *filler* for Horszowski, Menuhin, Wallfisch & Casals doing Mozart's
first piano quartet (Prades 1956) and Ferras, Casals & Kempff joining
forces in Mendelssohn second trio (Prades 1959).  FWIW it's AS 353.
