Richard Pennycuick wrote:

>Unfortunately, the most interesting part of Gramophone these days is
>the list of new releases and even this information is available from
>a number of web sites.

Traditionally, the best aspects of Gramophone for me have been those lists
of new releases and all the advertising devoted to new releases; I am a
sucker for those ads.  I have found the Gramophone reviews worthy enough
to read but providing less insight than in ARG or Fanfare.

>That may be true, but I don't recall ever seeing a review which mentioned
>an earlier mini-review.  Has anyone else?

I haven't either.  I think this is a case where Gramophone reserves the
right to follow up a mini-review with a bigger one.  Overall, I don't care
for the mini-reviews - they pretty much tell me nothing.  Also, it does
give the impression that those recordings afforded a mini-review just
didn't rate the big-time.

Don Satz
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