Jon Johanning <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>Don Satz wrote:
>>b.  Don't any of you get bored with those Naxos covers which are so
>>ordinary and repetitive?
>I was just in a store the other day, eyeing the expanse of white covers
>with the little photos and thinking just the same thing.  But I noticed
>that some of their covers now look like ordinary CDs.  Perhaps they are
>feeling more secure about their identity and aren/t afraid to look like all
>the other labels now, or maybe they are feeling flusher and are springing
>for more expensive art work.

Well....I really must say that I can really find no reason why anyone
should criticize the small artwork on the Naxos covers.  After all, here
we are saving a bundle of money on a budget label buying DDD recordings of
great performances.  Does the artwork really matter?? Would you prefer to
spend 2 dollars more per CD so that the cover looks nice? Something tells
me that you wouldn't.  I know I sure wouldn't.  It harkens back to the old
saying 'never judge a book by its cover' other's what's
inside that counts.  Seems to me a pretty simple concept.  I surely hope
none of you decide to write to HNH(Naxos) requesting a more elaborately
decorated cover.  I don't look forward to spnding the extra money.

Wes Crone