Felix Delbruck wrote:

>Have the Quatuor Mosaiques recorded any Mozart?

Yes, and those few recordings are every bit as good as their Haydn.
They can be found on Auvidis/Astree.

Felix on revelatory recordings:

>Well, as I said, they are not easy to find, and this seems to be
>particularly true in the case of Mozart.

I find revelatory recordings of Mozart's music very easy to locate as there
are so many of them.  Solo piano music - Uchida and Kraus.  Chamber music
- Mosaiques and Salomon.  Piano concertos - Schiff, Bilson, Curzon, Haskil,
and Perahia.  Clarinet concerto/flute & harp -Bohm.  Violin Concertos -
Lin/Salonen.  Sinfonia Concertante - Huggett.  Symphonies - Bohm, Gardiner,
and Davis.  Requiem - Bohm.  Great Mass - Leppard.  Operas - Bohm,
Klemperer, Gardiner, Davis, and Giulini.  Two hand piano music -

That's off the top of my head.  I can only assume that Felix does not care
much for Mozart, or that his standards are "out of sight".

Don Satz
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