Bob Chen wrote:

>I would like to learn a bit more about the British composer Rutland
>Boughton.  The other day, I picked up a disc on sale of his third symphony
>and first oboe concerto on Hyperion (CDA66343).  The symphony is okay.  I
>found the concerto much more interesting and enjoyable.  Evidently, he is
>known best for his opera, "The Immortal Hour," which I may investigate.

I'm not going to be much help here, but I'll put in my (literal) two cents

I like that Hyperion disc, though I prefer the pieces in reverse order.

The Immortal Hour was wildly popular in its day, early in the century
(twenties?).  It set some kind of record for run or attendance or some such
thing.  I have owned that recording twice.  I could *never* get through it.
I have no idea why, but I do know that it didn't just not appeal to me, it
somehow repelled me.  Overwhelmingly superficial? Maybe.  I'm not sure.
But I doubt I'll try again.  As they say on the net, your mileage may
 [very] well vary.

Roger Hecht