I have recently heard a CD of two masses by Johann Gottlieb Naumann
(1741-1801) of Dresden.  Incredibly, I purchased this CD as bankrupt
stock for 1 ($1.5).

The music is gorgeous, very lyrical and inventive.  It sounds somewhat
like you might imagine a missing Haydn mass from 1795 to be.

If you like classical masses and come across this Cd buy it!  You'll love
it (Ars Musici 1178-2).  The performance by 'Neuer Kornerscher Singverein'
(leader Peter Kopp) is excellent too, as is the sound quality.  It's a
first ever recording.

I keep coming across little gems like this.  So, I become more and more
convinced that there is only a fine line between fashionable composers
and forgotten masters like Naumann.  These masses are better than many
Mozart/Haydn masses!!

I wish that the record companies would devote more time to this repertoire
and less the yet more versions of the Beethoven Symphonies (for instance).

If anyone knows of other CD's of Naumann's music please let me know.

Bob Draper
[log in to unmask]

 [I only have one piece of his in my collection, a 12-minute quartet for
 glass harp, flute, viola & cello on an old Vox CD of works for glass
 harp by Mozart, Rollig, Reichhardt, Naumann, and Schulz (Vox Prima
 MWCD7150).  -Dave]