Tony de Freitas <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>Great Stuff Stirling
>I'm particularly intrigued by the references to art and morality.
>Could it be that Beauty leads us to Good? What an exciting thought!

In writing this dramatic fragment - and those few others which have been
finished - the aim was to present the views of the people written about
directly - largely in their own words - and my own indirectly.

It is unwise to write certain ideas directly, because one can not state
them, merely the ghost of them.  If there were a sentence that began "I
believe", the result would not be the belief, but the belief of the belief.

Never the less, to take a hazard - beauty and morality are both recognition
of pattern - and by contemplating that which is obvious to the conscious
senses, perhaps we can come to better understand that which is understood
only through the conscience sensing.

Stirling Newberry <[log in to unmask]>