Dave Lampson ([log in to unmask]) wrote:

>Now, I'm not saying this repertoire shouldn't be heard - I dislike the
>repertoire of the Arditti Quartet just as much, but gleefully acknowledge
>their incredible musicianship.  It's just that it appears to me that
>Kronos' main appeal is they will play music few others would touch.
>There's something admirable in that, without a doubt, and their energy
>and determination are impressive, but I just can't believe that any music
>is well-served by such consistently poor quartet playing.

Thanks, Dave, for saying what I tried and failed to.

There have often been accusations thrown at the HIP-sters that they only
play HIP bevause they wouldn't be able to earn a living any other way.
This is IMHO almost invariably unjust (althrough there are cases...) but
I think it's entirely just to throw at the Kronos.

And there are other quartets who venture into the unusual territory:  the
Arditti as Dave mentions, also the Brodskys, who made that CD with Elvis
Costello (whatever you think of him or it) and whose Shostakovich is in
another league from the Kronos.

Deryk Barker
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