Bob Kasenchak wrote:

>Me again.  Having a heck of a time with Galuppi Sonatas.  Various sources
>claim he wrote 50, 90 or over 100 harpsichord sonatas, there appears to
>be no numbering system, opus numbers, or thematic catalog that I can find.
>Does anyone know anything at all about Galuppi? There are a few recordings
>but I have none on hand.  Are they numbered? Is there a thematic index?
>Even a web search turned up precious little information.

I can offer no musicological expertise here, but I can tell you there is a
wonderful recording of one of his sonatas by Arturo Benedetti-Michelangeli.
It is on the two-disc compilation on the "Great Pianists" series (most of
the rest of it is Debussy and Ravel).  I have a weakness for apparently
ingenuous pieces played with superhuman artistry, which is what this is.

Chris Bonds