Aaron Rabushka <[log in to unmask]>:

>For a great Requiem on period instruments (if not exactly period playing
>style) try the Harmonia Mundi with Gerhard Schmidt-Gaden conducting
>the Toelzer Knabenchor and the Collegium Aureum.

Hi, I searched my own Requiem Discography Homepage to be sure that I never
heard about the recording you mention.  I tried Harmonia Mundi website with
no luck for a "Gerhard Schmidt-Gaden" search or even a "Gaden" search.  I
then search Altavista and got a hit for that CD.  But no details...  Can
you please share the details of that recording.  Many thanks,

Mozart's Requiem Discography Homepage:

 [I think this has been unavailable for some time now, and I'm 99% sure
 it's Deutsche Harmonia Mundi (i.e., now BMG) and not French Harmonia
 Mundi.  -Dave]