To draw a few recent threads together, I have in the last few days been put
on Ibubrofen for a lower back problem which, besides being painful makes me
walk crabwise - pressure on a nerve.
Mindful of the recent warnings on the list, when I went to play with my bees
yesterday I put a couple of Apis mel. pills under my tongue before opening
up.  Although the smoker was lit as back up I hardly used it but used a plain
water mist from a sprayer instead.  It worked like a charm.  I did collect
about 4 stings on my ungloved hands from as many hives but there was no
reaction and within a few minutes I couldn't say which hand had been stung.
This morning I helped my bee buddy hive his first swarm.  They were fine but
being in my hands and knees I put a hand on a bee and was stung.  I did not
take Apis mel.  My hand swelled and is still swollen 12 hours later.
Although this is a mere anecdote and not scientific evidence I think I'll
keep the Apis mel. handy for as long as I'm on the Ibubrufen.
Chris Slade