Hello Bee-list

One of my colonies has changed in the last three weeks. This is what I
have observed,  2 deep bodies for brood chambers then a queen excluder
then four short supers for extraction a very high bee population.  Three
weeks ago the bees stopped working the top super,this with a abundant
flow on (other hives doing great). When I checked again at 1 week later
still no nectar or honey in the top super, so I went down in the hive and
found no eggs or brood but still a high bee population. Yesterday (week
3) I again opened this hive and still found no eggs larve or queen
(impossible with high bee numbers, and the bees have filled the lower
brood bodies (both of them) with honey. Now I know why they wernt working
the top super which they just started on. I  put on a shallow super in
between the two hive bodies to prepare to move a couple frames of eggs
and larve from another hive to see if they need to raise a queen.  But
and this is the question, will the bees move the honey up to give the
queen room to lay or will they be honey bound? should I extract the
second brood body and give it back to them, reversing to put the empty on
the bottom? What is the status of the honey coming from brood frames that
have been treated with apistan  over the last 3 years spring and fall?
This list information keeps me pumped, so glad I can garner  much wisdom
and opinions for the reading.
thanks in advance
Al Boehm
Columbus NC USA