Perhaps not as much as others, I do have my Piles of the Unheard -- LPs
(God!), tapes, CDs, CD-ROMs, books, magazines, sales brochures, matchbooks,
souvenirs of the Crimean War, etc.

While it's obviously stressful to have so much to do/so little time,
there is the rare occasion when the situation turns into a surprise party
-- something catches your eye way on the bottom of the pile...  and
suddenly it's Christmas in June!

Case in point: an unopened 1993 Sony CD of the 1974 `Gurre-Lieder,'
Boulez conducting the BBC Symphony and `Gentlemen of the London
Philharmonic Choir,' the world lushest music under the control of the
world's most Spartan conductor -- wow!  It also helps to have a cast
of Marita Napier, Yvonne Minton, Jess Thomas and Sigmund Nimsgern.

Today's adventure gives new credibility to a pleasant rationalization:
the more you have undone, the better your chance to find treasures in
those frustrating boxes of unopened presents.

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