Thanks Garry Margolis for reminding me of the Dolmetch ensemble
Tchaikovsky ("Sugar plums") which nearly provoked an asthma attack from a
conductor friend of mine who was conducting T4 and had come over to hear
some interesting versions on CD (Mravinsky, Beecham, Karajan, Mitropoulos,
etc.) at my place beforehand.  I slipped this one in at the end of our
traversal.  (BTW:  if you ever need to convince a friend who says he has
a tin ear and can't hear any differences in interpretation, just do a
comparison listen to highlights from one work in quick succession.  Not
all aspirin are alike!)

Also, though a little off the CM track, listers with a sense of
great musical humor should look for any "Jonathan and Darlene Edwards"
recordings, the ultimate send off for "lounge lizard" singing and piano
playing.  Only great artists in full command of their skills can sing/play
so "off" by just a hair's breadth.  Slip this in as background for a party
and watch your musically inclined friends start to respond with disbelief!

I don't know the Shirley Temple (I assume you weren't kidding!) nor the
Sinatra/Grayson renditions.  Are they available? I shudder at the thought
but must investigate.

Finally, there's Harry Secombe (of Goon Show fame) singing "Arsenal" in
a football song version of "Nessun Dorma" -- the lad has quite a set of
pipes, and the word "arsenal" will forever replace the lyric that was in
your head in the climactic moment of the aria.

Tis summer here in the northern latitudes - let's have some fun.

Eric Kisch