Don Satz writes:

>... Todd, who's quite a guy.  First, he nearly designates me as
>the "dehumanizer", then he insults my favorite composer.

I don't know what nearly designating someone is, but since you clearly
didn't like the word, I didn't use it again.  I still think that using
supernatural terms to describe the work of humans makes them, well...
less human.  But then I'm also crazy enough to have thought that hard
work & craftsmanship were two good things, so my remarks should probably
be viewed accordingly.

>I have the feeling that Todd and I are not in sync on the use of the "awe"
>word; he likely gives it a much more intense flavor than I meant to convey.

Perhaps we're not in sync (see our differing impressions of the value of
hard work, for instance) at all.  However, while I'm here, I do want to
tell you what the word "awe" means.

The OED has this to say, which probably illuminates it as well as any
single paragraph:

"2.  From its use in reference to the Divine Being this passes gradually
into: Dread mingled with veneration, reverential or respectful fear; the
attitude of a mind subdued to profound reverence in the presence of supreme
authority, moral greatness or sublimity, or mysterious sacredness."

I might even go on to suggest that such an attitude is conducive neither
to finding classical music a wider audience nor to helping present day
composers expand the art in a way meaningful to all concerned.

>I'll head to the Pocono Mountains to a professional wrestling school,
>graduate at the top of my class, become "The Dehumanizer" on the pro
>circuit, and insist on the playing of menacing Bach organ pieces at all
>my matches.

This would be quite a sight, I am sure.  Thank you for the image.

Todd McComb
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