Jon Johanning ([log in to unmask]) wrote:

>I was just reading the other day (in the NY Times, I think) an interesting
>article about Signor Bocelli.  According to it, he is going to make his
>U.S. opera debut in Werther this fall.  The author also pointed out that
>some criticisms of him, for example, that he does not follow conductors
>well or gesture well when performing opera, are related to his blindness.
>Does anyone believe that blind opera singers should be given some
>allowances in such areas, or should we advise them to find another career?

Given that I don't care for opera....

But I think this is a dangerous notion:  how far would you take it? making
allowances for one-armed pianists? (And I'm not referring to the Ravel

Deryk Barker
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