Nate DeMaria asked:

>Does anyone have a recommendation for a recording of Mendelssohn's 5th
>Symphony ("Reformation"), preferrably not at a slow tempo? I've had trouble
>finding one at local music stores, which carry mainly the 3rd and 4th
>symphonies but very few of the 5th.

My long-term favourite is the Berlin Phil/Maazel version, most recently
c/w the same forces doing the Franck symphony, which I've not heard (DG
Originals).  I've never been a huge fan of Maazel but this is a glorious
version, IMO, which is probably why DG keeps re-releasing it.  Regrettably,
they're not as well-disposed towards the equally fine Italian which was on
the original LP.

Richard Pennycuick
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