Bert Bailey wrote:

>If classical music is widely accessible, it cannot be elitist.  Wide access
>is facilitated though TV and radio, whereas I think it's arguable that
>concerts and CDs do not provide widespread access.

Classical CDs generally cost exactly as much as popular ones, and (if you
happen to dig CM) are usually not discarded as quickly as pop CDs.  And if
you think classical concerts are more expensive than rock concerts, you
don't have kids who frequently hit you up for the requisite cash.

On the other hand, I agree that the average American certainly would find
it a lot harder to be exposed to CM on radio and TV than pop music, so it's
not something that they will accidentally stumble upon.  They have to seek
it out, and TV junkies are not the sort of folks who make a habit of
seeking out unusual art forms.

Quoting me:

>>...listening to CM takes a higher level of interest in a type of music
>>which is often complex, many-layered, and carefully crafted than most
>>people have.
>Doesn't this undermine your case about elites, JJ? What "higher"?!

Sorry, poor choice of words.  I just meant that it takes more interest in
this kind of music than most people have.  It's just an empirical fact that
most people are quite content to listen to music that is much simpler in
rhythm, harmony, counterpoint, melodic invention, etc., that the average CM
piece.  In fact, it is astonishing to listen to what passes for music on a
lot of rock stations: nothing but a simple pounding 4/4 beat, a brief riff
repeated note for note, over and over, until the requisite 3 or 4 minutes
is up, and hoarse roaring instead of singing.  (Oops, sorry, I think my
"elitism" is beginning to show.) And everything artificially amplified to
medically dangerous levels.

>Also, a lot of very careful crafting goes into all kinds of 'pop' music;
>let's not be elitist by demeaning other kinds of music by suggesting they
>are carelessly or even less carefully crafted.

See my previous comment.  In terms of quantity, the overwhelming majority
of what is broadcast on the most popular rock stations is just not
"crafted" at all, it seems to me.  And this is what most people listen to
most of the time, so it ipso facto sets the standard for popular music.
(Certainly, some popular genres, such as country, involve a bit more
musical skill, but not much.)

It isn't that most people don't have enough intelligence, or "refined"
enough souls, or whatever, to be *able* to "appreciate" CM.  It's just that
they are quite satisfied with what the pop music industry gives them, thank

Jon Johanning // [log in to unmask]