Philip Peters responds to me:

>>There probably isn't any thoroughly recommendable complete set, but that
>>will change when Suzuki and Koopman eventually complete their on-going
>I'm not so sure about that.  I like some of Koopman's well enough but at
>times he's a bit too light-hearted for my taste and Suzuki's problem IMO
>is that his cast of soloists is less than in many other cantata recordings
>and especially Midori Suzuki isn't up to standards IMO.  I am very curious
>about Gardiner's project though.

Sorry if I gave the impression that everything about the Suzuki and Koopman
projects is excellent.  In such a huge undertaking there will be some
deficiencies.  My meaning was that, on balance, these two projects are high
quality and will eclipse previous ones, although the Harnoncourt will
always have a special place within me.

As for Gardiner, I am also looking forward to his Bach cantata project.
I do wonder if the market will be able to absorb all these new releases
of Bach that are on their way to public consumption.

Don Satz
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