Q. What's the Difference between a _._._._ and a Lawnmower???
A. The Lawnmower sounds better in small ensembles.

Q.  Why is a Bassoon better than an Oboe??
A.  The Bassoon burns longer in the Pot Belly Stove.

Q. How do You make a  _._._._  sound beautiful??
A. Sell it and buy a *.*.*.*.*.???

Was International Tuba Day Meant to be "Serious"??

I "attended" a Military Boarding School in the UK; the Silver Band used on
frequent Parades had "Euphoniums"; and for the Real Serious Occasions these
were carried in White 1/2 "Bags" that were "blanco'ed" whiter than white;
the player wore a "Posh" Dress Uniform; and proceeded to rub his Red and
Blue Jacket Coat all over said White Blanco!!  Boys began "playing
soldiers" @ this Dickensian School @ Nine (9) Years of Age - ore usually
at 11 (eleven)!!  Not likely to produce "Sensitive New Age Guys" or Good
