Sat here Quietly @ 0830 Easter Monday Morning - Ye Country Town is Very
Quiet and Very "Damp"; and the Radio Plays a Modern Piece (By an Aussie
Williamson - "Master of the Queen's Musike") ;& the Announcer says "This
piece is named after/about a Colour - Guess which One?".  I thought "How
the Blurry H...  would I know - I listened and thought Blue - HOW COME THAT
WAS RIGHT?? & I would hardly know One Piece of This Fella's music from

Bliss was "into" Colours, Too???

There was also a "Machine" that played Music and Displayed Colours,
I Believe??

Why are "the Blues" Musics called Such??

AnyOne any Idea how these associations between Colour and Music works??

Bill(Y) at [log in to unmask]