Noboru Inoue wrote:

>I think...  Music is not composed by "composers", but discovered by them
>from space.  As a sculptor finds a statue of Budda hidden in a tree.

This somewhat resembles the contention of the 20th-century Jewish
philospher Heschel who believes that each composer taps a different
part of God's musical reservoir.

Chris Bonds:

>To bring this back to music:  from whence cometh the creative impulse?
>As a composer you don't say, "I am going to think of a melody, or a chord
>progression," and then think of it and write it down.

Sometimes you do.

>These things spring unbidden from the brain, and another part of the brain
>says "I ought to write that down, it's pretty good."

More often in the movies than in reality.

Aaron J. Rabushka
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