Eric Kisch wrote:

>A bit late on this one but here goes.  I would encourage you to take
>your daughter backstage and meet the artists, provided, as was
>mentioned, they are "receiving."  I think such visits make an enormous
>impression on young children and enhance their concert going immensely.
>...Has anyone heard about the principle of positive reinforcement? Start
>the reinforcing early and you'll develop loyal followers and music lovers.

Having spent a considerable portion of my working life studying and
writing about reinforcement and its effects, I am so pleased to see that
comment.  Unfortunately, in some circles 'the principle of reinforcement'
and related knowledge has become firmly associated with a view of cold,
impersonal behaviorism, and consequently it has been ignored.  But there
is the humane face of that principle which has particular relation to
the early development of manners, likes, and tastes including, very
specifically, good music and the arts in general.  It is a pity that
it is overlooked.

(I wonder what sorts of actions were reinforced in the early years
of those tragic children who killed so many and themselves in Colorado.)

Peter Harzem