
I know that breastfeeding is "protective" against rotavirus:

Yolken RH et al. Human milk mucin inhibits rotavirus replication and
prevents experimental gastroenteritis. J Clin Invest 1992;90:1984-1991.

Huffman SL, et al. Role of breast-feeding in the prevention and treatment
of diarrhoea. J Diarrhoel Dis Res 1990;8(3):68-81.

Mahalanabis D, et al. Prognostic indicators and risk factors for increased
duration of acute diarrhoea and for persistent diarrhoea in children. Int J
Epidemiol 1991;20(4):1064-1072.

Popkin BM, et al. Breast-feeding and diarrheal morbidity. Pediatrics

Clemens JD, et al. Breastfeeding and the risk of life-threatening
entertoxigeni Escherichia coli diarrhea in Bangladeshi infants and
children. Pediatrics 1997;100(6):e2.

Nevertheless, two different sets of twins in my LLL group have been quite
sick with rotavirus in the past 2 months.  In one set, 17 months old, both
were hositalized with dehydration, one for 24 hours, the other for 3 days.
In the other set the children were able to be managed at home (age 20
months).  All 4 of the children are still nursing frequently.  Moms are
currently staying-at-home caregivers for their children.  They do go out to
playgroup kinds of activities, but are not in daycare at all.  No other
siblings for either set of twins.  Interestingly, all were preemies who had
a rough start.

It's discouraging, as I so want to believe that breastfeeding will prevent
such illnesses.  Probably they would have been even sicker if they weren't
still nursing.  And certainly nursing offered comfort as well as healing.
The recent Lactnet discussion on nursing through vomiting was helpful to
keep in mind with these babies as well.

This doesn't really answer your question about protecting a 6 day old, but
maybe these resources will help.
Anne Altshuler, RN, MS, IBCLC and LLL leader in Madison, Wisconsin
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