Jack Newman writes:

> We don't have to put *everything* into the conspiracy package.

Of course not. I am not that daft....I actually *don't*  think the formula
manufacturers are in secret league with an international conspiracy to
stupify the human race. But it is mighty convenient for a wide range of
vested interests when women formula feed their infants instead of
breastfeeding them, and for this reason, the move away from formula is a
many-layered struggle.

BTW, the other reason why rubbish goes out about bf on TV and in newspapers
is the sheer laziness of some journalists (I speak from inside the job,
remember!). There are some who take the easy way , every time....they don't
question, they don't challenge, they look for the cheap thrill.

Heather Welford Neil
NCT bfc Newcastle upon Tyne