I recently spoke with a mom whose baby gained well until he only gained
4 oz between the 4 and 6 mos peds visit. Her hx revealed:
recent start on birth control pills - 6 wks ago
lots of pacifier use
baby sleeps thru nite
several days away from baby x 7 hrs, did not pump, gave formula
lots of baby food in jars @ 2 jars/3xper day.
Maybe some of this is happening with your pt.
The plan we agreed on is:
d/c or major decrease in pacifier use - let baby suck at breast
decrease solids to just offering family foods at family dinner times
she does not want to wake the baby to nurse at nite, but did agree to
pump one time at nite
pumping after bf, using ebm as suppl as much as possible
fenugreek and blessed thistle
she did not want to use SNS for supplement

Laurie Wheeler, RN, MN, IBCLC
Louisiana Breastfeeding MediaWatch Campaign
Violet Louisiana, USA
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