One I haven't heard mentioned at all...  Anybody else like Mravinsky?
I have a few Beethoven syms by him and like them very much for his
 [self-percieved] faithfulness to the scores/Beethoven's intentions.
Whether he was actually THAT faithful remains a question, but it seems
to me that even this sense for Mravinsky lends his performances a quiet
dignity, sometimes with a slightly slow tempo.  I really like his 7th that
I have.  Most of these are on Melodiya, re-issues of old LPs from the 60s
so the sound is sub-par, especially the (so-called typical) Russian brass
sounds and upper woodwinds, whose imperfections are amplified by bad
recording technology.  But the strings in the slow 2nd movement of the
7th make it all worthwhile...  Any Mravinsky fans at all out there?

Bob K.