Steve Schwartz writes:

>I've seen concert-goers walk out on Nielsen, early Stravinsky, Mahler,
>Vaughan Williams, Bernstein, Shostakovich, and Beethoven.  I've seen
>concert-goers walk out in droves before the music was even played, simply
>because they didn't recognize the name on the program.

Quick anecdote: Last summer at the Santa Fe Opera I attended the
American premiere of Lidholm's "A Dream Play".  Now I am a modern CM fan
so my tolerance is higher than most, and the opera WAS a bit surreal and
dissonant.  But I found it delightful and (relatively) accessable (compared
to say, Lutoslawski or something).  But almost half the audience left at
the intermission.  I was astounded!  Hagegard & McNair were the leads,
the sound was great, something brand-spanking new, and the place was
half-deserted by halftime.  It was even in English!  Lidholm himself was
there, and I felt a bit embarrassed about American CM audiences.  Why bring
your new opera to Santa Fe if the ignorant audience won't appreciate it
anyway? How frustrating.

Bob K.