Bob Chen wrote:

>I just learned this afternoon that a good friend and former colleague of
>mine has been diagnosed with a serious, possibly grave illness.  I thought
>at once of sending a card and flowers to cheer her up.  Then it occured to
>me, why not send music, too? Three composers sprang instantly to mind:
>Bach, Mozart, Vivaldi.

I suppose that each of us will react differently to this question.
Bach's music is serious stuff.  His Brandenburg Concertos are serious
fun, however!  Haydn is immanently cheerful and I would heartily recommend
his opus 33 quartets or his "Paris" Symphonies.  Mendelssohn's String
Symphonies also come to mind.  Vivaldi? Hmmm.  Not sure ion that one.

I wouldn't encourage Mahler's Ninth.

>Anyone have their own favorite "happy" or "get-well" music? I'd be most
>grateful for any recommendations.

Haydn, at least for me, would be an excellent 1st choice.  I hope your dear
colleague recovers and that nothing serious will result.
