Aaron Rabushka wrote:

>I know that AT premiered his 2nd piano concerto with Nadia Boulanger
>playing the orchestral reduction--is that the same "Ecole de Paris"?

Nadia Boulanger taught at the American Conservatory in Fontainebleau (not
far from Paris) from 1921.  Her students include Elliott Carter, Aaron
Copland, David Diamond, Roy Harris, Walter Piston, Roger Sessions and
Virgil Thomson.

The 'Ecole de Paris' wasn't a 'school' in the sense of an institution
(conservatory or college), but just an unformal group of foreign composers
active in Paris at the end of the 1920s.  Just as Schoenberg, Berg and
Webern are often described - at least in France - as members of the 'Ecole
de Vienne' ('Vienna school').

Simon Corley
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