I have a mom who came into the clinic today with her 7 month old, they have
been coming in regularly since birth, started out weighing 7 lbs and 15 oz.
grew well and was 15 lbs in Nov.  weighed about the same in Dec. and Jan and
is still 15.3 now, pediatrician has been low key, so was I in Dec., gave
suggestions for increasing milk supply in Jan. and am concerned now as much
because mom is, baby looks good and is very active, which I thought was
responsible for the stabilized weight.  Baby also had pneumonia in late Dec.
and early Jan.

Today when mom came in she mentioned for the first time that her first child
who is 4 years old and 27 lbs. has been started on growth hormone for
"growth hormone deficiency". She had been bugging the dr. for a year before
she referred them and started treatments in Kansas City.  Her 2 year old
nursed for 15 months and is 37 lbs and eats all the time.

This baby only nurses in a focused manner 2 times per day, mom pumps when
she works 2 days a week and gets 4-5 oz. per pumping.  He takes solids well
for the sitter and mom has only given them to him in the last few weeks when
he refused to nurse during the day and he takes them for her now too.  At
the sitters he takes 5, 6 oz.  bottles during the 13 hours he is there, mom
works 2, 12 hour shifts.  She asked how early they could test for growth
hormone deficiency and how concerned to be with his stagnant weight.

Any ideas or experiences with family hx of the deficiency?
Libby Rosen, RN, IBCLC
Topeka, Kansas  where it is rainy and cold
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