As a new addition to this list server I have found its informative
discussions very interesting.   I have two question areas ,
1.  Has anyone read any literature or had personal experience with their
bees with heavy use of bt corn pollen,(IE) hives in close proximity to
farmland growing monoculture bt corn?  Have you seen any signs of
involvement with the larva in the hives?  Can the bt properties  act
through the pollen and the silk flour?  Is this a non problem?
2.  Montsanto has released for testing the terminator seed lines of some
plants> I have not been able to find out which plant  lines are being
tested, only rumers of rice, wheat, and corn.  Any help out there?  Has
any information been published on how this gene splicing will affect the
food chain, pollen, energy of the food or how our bodies or the bees
bodies will react when feeding upon a genetically altered foodstuff?  Can
the terminator gene be spread to other plants of the same or other
species(total sterilization of the seed crop in agriculture in a couple
growing seasons)?
any input will be appricated
Al Boehm
Columbus N.C.
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