Royce and lactnuts,
Royce asks what can we do re mat/child nurses thinking we are fanatics
and working in hosps that continue to market formula.
I do not think we get anywhere fast trying to convert the nursing staff.
That takes alot of time and attitudinal change which is more difficult
than just educating them. I think it's more effective to reach the moms
via our prenatal classes, LLL meetings, inpatient consultations, and
getting bf info out there via mediawatch etc. I am seeing in our hosp
the bf rates go up. Started about 40-50% few years ago (I wasn't working
there then) and now 60% and last time I calculated 70% and today ALL PP
moms were bf and all the ones in labor too were going to bf. I encourage
all families to fill out the pt satisfaction forms and let
administration know if bf services were helpful and if I hear that they
got conflicting info I want them to write about that and/or talk to my
mgr. Our dept gets referrals from obs and pedis and we have a good
reputation. I don't confront the nurse who recommends water or formula
supps, but I tell the pt that I very strongly disagree with this and
why. I let my mgr know that pts are telling me they are confused and
conflicted about the differing advice they are given. Not all our nurses
are bf savvy - yet. However, in our area consumer/pt satisfaction is big
and customer service is pushed. Moms want to bf, they want to bf
successfully, and they are unhappy when they don't get to.  Mgrs will
start to see that moms need accurate, up to date, consistent advice. I
have to be patient. It is all jsut baby steps. Just keep on keeping on,
Royce, every little bit helps.

Laurie Wheeler, RN, MN, IBCLC
Louisiana Breastfeeding MediaWatch Campaign
Violet Louisiana, USA
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