Has Celexa been considered?  Dr. Hale has a note about it on his web site
<http://neonatal.ttuhsc.edu/lact/> to the effect that it looks like it has a similar
safety profile to Zoloft and will be a good alternative to Prozac.

My personal experience <moment of hesitation while I consider revealing my
mental health status to the thousands here assembled> with Celexa is that is is
more activating (thank goodness!) and less disturbing to my digestive tract than
any of the other antidepressants I've tried.  It's hard to mention an AD I haven't
tried: Prozac, Wellbutrin, Zoloft, Serzone, Remeron, Paxil, Effexor (aka Side-
Effexor) are all under my belt.

Hoping that no future employer is reading this,
Rachael Hamlet