Rob Baldwin wrote:

>Has anyone else besides me on this list had a "second coming" in terms
>of appreciating the greatness of Tchaikovsky? Here I am, at the ripe old
>age of 45, only now beginning to appreciate this master.

I'm afraid I couldn't express what I would like going to say in English
very well here.  But I think maybe it doesn't matter much because what I
want to say is simply I "LOVE" Tchaikovsky.  Maybe it's because his story
or his music.  If it's just my wishful thinking I still deeply believe
in this feelings.  I like to appreciate many composers' different kind
of works&editions but sometimes I will listen to Tchaikovsky just in my
feelings.  For his Eugene Onegin it will always on my mind.  I'll never
forget all those beautiful singings between the characters.  Before a
friend told me he was just in tears when playing Tchaikovsky's symphonies
but it took me many years after to understand his words.

Mozart brings me uncountable happy days,Wagner plays dramas for men to
watch what happened,Debussy's image is like many colorful dreams and Chopin
is like a dream in black&white,when Tchaikovsky is vivid in his own world
in the realm of fairy-tales and has to wake up everyday to face this world
there are so much couldn't be answered for a man in searching his soul.
I miss him.

Sorry if anything sounds stupid.

1) Is it correct Tchaikovsky's and Brahms' birthday is the same day?
If so it always made me wonder what's with this..And it's interesting.
 [They were both born on May 7th, in 1840 and 1833 respectively. - Dave]
2) If there are Tchaikovsky mailing-list or Russia classical music
mailing-list could someone tell me where they are? I'll appreciate!

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