Donald Satz wrote in reply to D. Stephen Heersink:

>>Noticeably absent from the "standards" way Roy Goodman with the Hanover
>>Band on RCA.  After hearing Goodman, everything else became "also rans."
>I didn't include the Hanover Band in my comparisons to Marriner's Schumann,
>because I do not possess it.  I have had a desire to get it, but other cd
>priorites keep taking precedence.  It also might also have something to do
>with the Hanover's recordings of the Beethoven symphonies which I did not

I've only just recently received this set, after the generally positive
comments about it on this List, and whatthehey, BMG had it on "clearance"
for $5.98 plus shipping.  My impressions so far are quite positive.  Not
sure if it will displace Szell et al., but I do enjoy the difference in
sonorities and balances that Goodman and the Hanovers bring to this music.
And hearing the original version of #4 is worth the price of the entire set
for me.

Bill H.