Dear BEE-Lers,
I would like to ask you for help:
1) I recall to have read about an 'instrument' to measure
   the quality of nectar sources available for bees. Basically,
   the set up was a number of vessels that contain sugar
   solution in different concentrations. The bees are
   supposed to visit only those artificial feeders which
   offer sugar solutions at the same or higher concentrations than
   the surrounding plants do (more or less, of course, flight
   distance and other parameters are involved too).
   Does anybody of you have experience with this or knows of
   some references? I thought I have read this in the von-Frisch
   book ('Tanzsprache und Orientierung ...') but could not find
   it again.
2) I recall as well to have read about a method of mass
   marking bees at the hive entrance with some colour pigments.
   Thought it was in 'Bee World' or 'J Apic Res'. Could please
   someone point me to relevant references.
I searched the archives but have not been successful as yet.
Thank you for your help!
Michael Haberl
Hessische Landesanstalt fuer Tierzucht, Abt. Bienenzucht
Erlenstr. 9, 35274 Kirchhain, Germany, 51n 9w
Tel: ++49-6422-9406-12
Fax: ++49-6422-9406-33
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