Oh, Stacey - your story is so sad, but I am glad we had the chance to read it.

It seems crystal clear your difficulties w. bf were directly linked to
non-appropriate interventions. Like you say, you were strong and informed,
and still felt crushed...how would other women have reacted?

One thing was new to me - getting 'hb before last push' which I have never
heard of. Perhaps other listers can tell me what this entails, and how on
earth it is justified, especially when failing to do it leads to the
unnecessary panic you describe. Whatever it is, I know we don't do it here.
We also don't do heel pricks at birth (though some UK units test for blood
sugar routinely and unnecessarily and riskily - as we've discussed here -

Would it help to write to the appropriate professionals at the hospital?
They should be accountable for their actions.

PS Recently, I seem to have been pointing out a lot of things the UK does
or does not do that (I think) make it better for bf than elsewhere - please
be reassured that there is plenty that goes on that is very unhelpful
indeed to bf, and we have a remaining one or two hurdles to overcome before
we get it right ....; )

Heather Welford Neil
NCT bfc, Newcastle upon Tyne UK