Lindsey Orcutt wrote:

>Speaking of Gilels, whom I actually haven't thought about in sometime, his
>Brahms first piano concerto is first rate.  Anyone else familiar with it?
>It is by far my favorite....

You bet.  In fact, back when I was a kid (it's true!) his recording on RCA
Red Seal introduced me to this fine work!

Some of you may not know that the only music in the film "The L-Shaped
Room" starring Leslie Caron was taken from the first movement of this work.
When I saw it I was in my 20s and it affected me profoundly.  The music
was a big part of it.  Part of the reason I mention it is that for years
I wasn't able to hear the piece without thinking about the movie (or was
it about Leslie?)

Kudos to anyone who remembers the exact point in the score from which the
final music in the film is taken (I do!).

Chris Bonds