This may be off topic, but here goes.  I was an infertility patient with
a history of multiple miscarriages (5 or more, I quit counting).  Now am
the happy mother of 3 elementary aged children.  Anyway, the comment I
have is that once a well meaning nurse (co-worker) loaned me a copy of a
popular book on the topic of grieving perinatal losses, and I felt much
worse after reading it!  I was sad but managing ok with support of my dh
who said he was hurting too (amazing, that's all he needed to say to help
me bear the pain), and that we could be a happy couple without children
(took pressure to produce off).  A deep faith helped too.  After reading
the book I began to focus on myself and the losses again and to feel
sorry for myself.  So books may be helpful, but don't have all the
answers for everyone.
   Warmly from Minnesota,                     Susan Potts, Rn IBCLC

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