Hear! Hear! Both books were required reading in a senior archaeology seminar
I once took (lo, these many years ago!). I found Kurten's book to be far
superior. His second novel, Singletusk, is pretty darned good, too!
Chris Andersen
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mike Jacobs [SMTP:[log in to unmask]]
> Sent: Friday, December 04, 1998 1:42 PM
> To:   [log in to unmask]
> Subject:      Re: a quote
> Bjorn Kurten's "Dance of the Tiger" is a novel incorporating an hypothesis
> about the outcome of the encounter between "Neanderthal" and "Cro-
> Magnon" populations in northern Europe.  It is good reading and, as
> Gould points out in his Introduction, soundly grounded in biology and
> genetics.  I much preferred Kurten's novels over Jean Auel's "Clan of the
> Cave Bear" which, I confess, I couldn't finish.
> MJ
> --
> Mike Jacobs
> Archaeological Collections Curator
> Arizona State Museum          Tel:    520.621.6312, 621.4609
> University of Arizona            Fax:    520.621.2976
> P.O. Box 210026                 email:  [log in to unmask]
> Tucson, AZ 85721-0026        www: http://w3.arizona.edu:180/asm/