        If I were to recommend one book on herbals, it would be:
                The Complete German Commission E Monographs: Therapeutic Guide
to Herbal Medicines.  The American Botanical Council.  Blumenthal, Busse,
Goldberg, Gruenwald. Hall, Klein, Riggins, & Rister, 1998, Austin, TX.  ISBN
0-9655555-0-X.  This is the English Edition.  The email address for The American
Botanical Council is:  [log in to unmask]
        If I were to recommend a second book, it would be:
                Herbal Drugs and Phytopharmaceuticals: A Handbook for Practice
on a Scientific Basis.  Medpharm Scientific Publishers (Stuttgart 1994)/CRC
Press(Boca Raton). Norman Grainger Bisset.  ISBN 0-8493-7192-9 CRC Press).  This
is the English edition.  I purchased my edition from the American Pharmaceutical
Association at 202-628-4410.

        Frank J. Nice, DPA, CPHP
        Watching the herbs grow in Brookeville, Maryland