Regarding Pat Gima wanting to know how elimination of dairy during
pregnancy effects sensitivity in new baby.  I have always liked milk,
especially when I was pregnant, and could make a meal out of a tall
glass.  My first was very sensitive to dairy, exhibited colic and after
weaning at one year had no tolerance for formulas, even soy.   (Also had
problems with asthma til 2 1/2) I swore to nurse the next one till the
need was gone, also was introduced to La Leche League at that time for
support and information.  My second did better, nursed for an extended
period (almost 4 yrs.) and had no colic but did have diarrhea when
exposed to cows milk and asthma(till 2 1/2) .  I heard about intrauterine
sensitization at a League conference, eliminated dairy during pregnancy
and behold, my third was free of colic, diarrhea and asthma!

Of course, there is no control group and all results are subject
individual differences but I am sold. I also discovered that my craving
for milk went away and I often forget that milk is a beverage choice for
me.  My third doesn't care much for milk and we don't push any foods,
they are all healthy now.  Just my anecdotal experience.

Adele Delgado, LLL, Santa Ysabel, Ca.
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