Hi, Heather, could you please explain the abbreviation. I'm sure I know
what it is, once I  see it!
BTW could you elaborate on the developmental issues for these babies? It
is lactation related since developmentally delayed babies can have
breastfeeding problems.
Another question for all you lactnetters, not lactation related: could a
baby who is being fed by NG tube (she is discharged from the hospital by
now, is getting some feeds by bottle) well, could this baby benefit from
fingerfeeding? (unfortunately it would not be breastmilk). The bottle
feedings take very long and some feeds still are delivered by NG tube.
Poor baby is so unhappy during feeding time....Could fingerfeeding be a
more controlled way of eating? she is aspirating during feeds.
thanks for your help
Pearl Shifer, IBCLC
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