Don't panic, Kathleen, this is just a short one.  All that can be said has
probably already been said.  Except that I felt angry after watching it for
wasting so much of my time.  Writing, casting, storyline, characterization,
production, etc. -- all very poorly done and not worth the study time (I'm in
graduate school), sex time, family time, relaxing time, reading time, star-
gazing time, whatever time we gave up to watch it.  Wrote a local CBS
affiliate, but that was probably wasted time as well.  Just wanted to let
those who wanted to know about the advertisers know that I made a list of
every ad as it appeared on the show.  Won't take up space listing them here,
but you can email me privately if you want the list.  No trends that I saw in
the ads.

And, Ilene, we were standing by in the clinics the next day and Friday -- got
no calls.  Heck, maybe WE'RE the only ones who watched!  Too much to hope for,
I know.

Keitha Whitaker, BS, IBCLC
WIC Breastfeeding Program Coordinator
Gulfport, Mississippi  (Where it's beautiful and COOL here today!)