Our international audience must be pretty sick of this topic.  Sorry --
it will pass soon.  I'm still recovering from having actually watched
the episode.  One of you will surely come on-line with an excellent,
articulate analysis, but I'm still sorting through my initial reaction:
this was appalling!!  Anyone working on the Baby Friendly Hospital issue
must be apoplectic.  Tell us more about "the pledge."

The worst part, as feared -- the story made it seem that this tragedy
could happen to anyone -- that this sympathetically portrayed mother had
no clue that things weren't right.  (No weight gain in six weeks!!)

I'm writing more than intended.  I just wanted to post that ABC News at
http://www.abcnews.com/sections/living/DailyNews/breastmilk.html    has
a piece on the CH controversy, including a list of reasons why a woman
may have insufficient milk.

Way back when this issue came up in the Wall Street Journal, Ruth
Lawrence made the commonsense remark about such situations "they're rare
and they're catchable," by health care professionals, a stance that
seems realistic and reassuring.

Anyway, heartfelt congratulations and thanks to all the determined
people who have worked hard to wrest something positive from the
situation, and convey good information about help available when
breastfeeding isn't going well.


Margaret Wills
LLLL New Jersey