>Maybe I'm being overly critical as I know it is important to get the
>message out that you can breastfeed and work too but >breastfeeding  is
breastfeeding and giving expressed milk is not >breastfeeding...JMHO.

Whether the idea is good, bad, or ugly, mothers either must work or choose
to work.  The number one excuse I hear for not breastfeeding is "I'm going
back to work so I won't be able to breastfeed"  At which point they are
amazed to hear that I am breastfeeding a 19 month old and have worked 12
hour shifts the whole time.  (staying at home is not an option when you are
active duty).  Our society is not likely to change anytime soon in regards
to women in the workforce and as you know babies happen.

So, I think the WIC ads are a huge step in the right direction (anyway,
knocks another lame reason to bottle feed off the list).

Debbie Codding, RNC
Naval Hospital Guam

p.s.  My husband bottle fed my baby EBM and I still consider him
exclusively breastfed for the first 7 months of his life and mostly BF
after that.